DSL Query Schemas

We use Prisma internally to manage the relations between each of our different data models. The Aviato DSL also supports filtering across relations.


1model School {
2 id String @id
3 fullName String
4 entityType EntityType
5 location String?
6 locationCoordinates Unsupported("GEOMETRY(Point, 4326)")?
7 locationIDList Int[]
8 country String?
9 locality String?
10 region String?
11 URLs Json?
12 educationDegreeLinks EducationDegreeLink[]
13 personEducationLinks PersonEducationLink[]
14 workExperienceLinks WorkExperienceLink[]
17model CompanyFund {
18 id Int @id
19 name String?
20 date DateTime?
21 amountRaised Float?
22 fundOwner Company? @relation("fundOwner", fields: [companyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
23 personInvestorList Person[] @relation("CompanyFundToPerson")
24 companyInvestorList Company[] @relation("CompanyToCompanyFund")
27model CompanyInvestmentLink {
28 totalAmountRaised Float?
29 date DateTime?
30 personID String?
31 companyInvestorID String?
32 companyID String?
33 id Int @id
34 company Company? @relation("companyInvestmentLinkTargets", fields: [companyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
35 companyInvestor Company? @relation("companyInvestmentLinkInvestors", fields: [companyInvestorID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
36 person Person? @relation(fields: [personID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
39model FundingRound {
40 id Int @id
41 announcedOn DateTime?
42 moneyRaised Float?
43 name String?
44 stage String?
45 isHidden Boolean?
46 valuation Json?
47 valuationPostRound Json?
48 issuePrice Float?
49 outstandingShares Float?
50 companyID String?
51 company Company? @relation(fields: [companyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
52 leadPersonInvestorList Person[] @relation("leadPersonInvestor")
53 leadCompanyInvestorList Company[] @relation("leadCompanyInvestor")
54 personInvestorList Person[] @relation("personInvestor")
55 companyInvestorList Company[] @relation("companyInvestor")
58model Person {
59 id String @id(map: "Person_pkey")
60 fullName String
61 headline String?
62 entityType EntityType
63 location String?
64 locationIDList Int[]
65 URLs Json?
66 gender String?
67 investedRoundList String[]
68 investedIndustries String[]
69 investorCategoryList String[]
70 investorCurrentFirmID String?
71 investorDisinterests String?
72 investorFirmPosition String?
73 investorInterests String?
74 investorMaxInvestment Float?
75 investorMinInvestment Float?
76 investorParticipatedRoundsCount Int?
77 investorPreviousFirmID String?
78 investorPreviousFirmPosition String?
79 investorTargetInvestment Float?
80 investorTitle String?
81 investorType String?
82 emailList String[]
83 researchPaperCount Int?
84 researchPapers Json[]
85 country String?
86 locality String?
87 region String?
88 computed_oneYearAtCurrentCompany Boolean?
89 computed_employeeDuringMA Boolean?
90 computed_founderDuringMA Boolean?
91 computed_employeeDuringIPO Boolean?
92 computed_likelyToExplore Boolean?
93 computed_unicornEarlyEngineer Boolean?
94 computed_employeeDuringBigMA Boolean?
95 computed_potentialToLeave Boolean?
96 computed_topUniversity Boolean?
97 computed_bigTechAlumPublic Boolean?
98 computed_bigTechAlumPrivate Boolean?
99 computed_priorBackedFounder Boolean?
100 computed_recentlyLeftCompany Boolean?
101 computed_investmentCount Int?
102 computed_totalRaised Float?
103 companiesFoundedList CompanyFoundingLink[]
104 outboundInvestmentList CompanyInvestmentLink[]
105 degreeList EducationDegreeLink[]
106 educationList PersonEducationLink[]
107 experienceList WorkExperienceLink[]
108 participatedInvestorCompanyFundList CompanyFund[] @relation("CompanyFundToPerson")
109 participatedLeadInvestorFundingRoundList FundingRound[] @relation("leadPersonInvestor")
110 participatedInvestorFundingRoundList FundingRound[] @relation("personInvestor")
113model WorkExperienceLink {
114 id BigInt
115 endDate DateTime?
116 startDate DateTime?
117 seniorityScore Int?
118 description String?
119 entityType EntityType
120 positionList Json[]
121 investmentInfo Json?
122 companyID String
123 schoolID String?
124 personID String
125 companyName String?
126 companyIsStealth Boolean?
127 person Person @relation(fields: [personID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
128 company Company? @relation(fields: [companyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "company_entityID")
129 school School? @relation(fields: [schoolID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
132model PersonEducationLink {
133 id BigInt @id
134 endDate DateTime?
135 startDate DateTime?
136 name String?
137 subject String?
138 schoolID String?
139 personID String
140 person Person @relation(fields: [personID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
141 school School? @relation(fields: [schoolID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
142 degree EducationDegreeLink[]
145model CompanyFoundingLink {
146 id Int @id
147 companyID String
148 personID String
149 person Person @relation(fields: [personID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
150 company Company @relation(fields: [companyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "company_entityID")
153model EducationDegreeLink {
154 id BigInt @id
155 fieldOfStudy String?
156 name String?
157 schoolID String?
158 personID String
159 endDate DateTime?
160 startDate DateTime?
161 person Person @relation(fields: [personID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
162 school School? @relation(fields: [schoolID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade, map: "school_entityID")
163 personEducation PersonEducationLink? @relation(fields: [personEducationID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
166model Company {
167 id String @id
168 name String?
169 description String?
170 location String?
171 locationCoordinates Unsupported("GEOMETRY(Point, 4326)")?
172 locationIDList Int[]
173 tagline String?
174 founded DateTime?
175 yearFounded Int?
176 industryList String[]
177 headcount Int?
178 exitCount Int?
179 isStealth Boolean?
180 isStartup Boolean?
181 country String?
182 region String?
183 locality String?
184 URLs Json?
185 financingStatus String?
186 ownershipStatus String?
187 status String?
188 ipoDate DateTime?
189 latestDealType String?
190 latestDealDate DateTime?
191 latestDealAmount Float?
192 investmentCount Int?
193 investorCount Int?
194 legalName String?
195 leadInvestorCount Int?
196 leadInvestmentCount Int?
197 totalFunding Float?
198 acquisitionCount Int?
199 stockExchange String?
200 stockSymbol String?
201 participatedRoundList String[]
202 fundingRoundCount Int?
203 signals String[]
204 lastRoundValuation Float?
205 outstandingShares Float?
206 sharePrice Float?
207 sharePriceHistorical Json?
208 targetMarketList String[]
209 webEngagement Json?
210 webTrafficSources Json?
211 webViewerCountries Json?
212 weeklyFacebookChange Float?
213 weeklyFacebookPercent Float?
214 monthlyFacebookChange Float?
215 monthlyFacebookPercent Float?
216 triMonthlyFacebookChange Float?
217 triMonthlyFacebookPercent Float?
218 yearlyFacebookChange Float?
219 yearlyFacebookPercent Float?
220 weeklyWebTrafficChange Float?
221 weeklyWebTrafficPercent Float?
222 monthlyWebTrafficChange Float?
223 monthlyWebTrafficPercent Float?
224 triMonthlyWebTrafficChange Float?
225 triMonthlyWebTrafficPercent Float?
226 yearlyWebTrafficChange Float?
227 yearlyWebTrafficPercent Float?
228 weeklyTwitterChange Float?
229 weeklyTwitterPercent Float?
230 monthlyTwitterChange Float?
231 monthlyTwitterPercent Float?
232 triMonthlyTwitterChange Float?
233 triMonthlyTwitterPercent Float?
234 yearlyTwitterChange Float?
235 yearlyTwitterPercent Float?
236 monthlyHeadcountChange Float?
237 monthlyHeadcountPercent Float?
238 triMonthlyHeadcountChange Float?
239 triMonthlyHeadcountPercent Float?
240 yearlyHeadcountChange Float?
241 yearlyHeadcountPercent Float?
242 facebookLikes Float?
243 twitterFollowers Float?
244 linkedinFollowers Float?
245 currentWebTraffic Float?
246 facebookHistorical Json?
247 twitterHistorical Json?
248 headcountHistorical Json?
249 webTrafficHistorical Json?
250 relativeHeadcountHistorical Json?
251 producthuntFollowerCount Int?
252 producthuntAvgRating Float?
253 producthuntTotalVotes Int?
254 productList Json?
255 screenshotList String[]
256 timeline Json[]
257 CIKNumber String?
258 businessModelList String[]
259 legalEntityID String?
260 marketCap Float?
261 patentCount Int?
262 cageCode String?
263 dunsNumber String?
264 NAICSCode String?
265 equityCompensation Json?
266 monetaryCompensation Json?
267 departmentMonetaryCompensation Json?
268 jobListingList Json[]
269 video Json?
270 embeddedNews Json[]
271 isAcquired Boolean?
272 incomeSourceList String[]
273 isGovernment Boolean?
274 isNonProfit Boolean?
275 isVCFirm Boolean?
276 techStackList Json[]
277 isExited Boolean?
278 isShutDown Boolean?
279 jobFamilyList String[]
280 paySchedule String?
281 salaryBreakdownList Json[]
282 vestingDetails String?
283 vestingScheduleList Json[]
284 vestingType String?
285 generalLevelList String[]
286 customerTypes CustomerType[]
287 g2AverageStars Float?
288 g2ReviewCount Int?
289 g2UserRatings Json?
290 weeklyG2StarsChange Float?
291 weeklyG2StarsPercent Float?
292 monthlyG2StarsChange Float?
293 monthlyG2StarsPercent Float?
294 triMonthlyG2StarsChange Float?
295 triMonthlyG2StarsPercent Float?
296 yearlyG2StarsChange Float?
297 yearlyG2StarsPercent Float?
298 weeklyG2ReviewCountChange Float?
299 weeklyG2ReviewCountPercent Float?
300 monthlyG2ReviewCountChange Float?
301 monthlyG2ReviewCountPercent Float?
302 triMonthlyG2ReviewCountChange Float?
303 triMonthlyG2ReviewCountPercent Float?
304 yearlyG2ReviewCountChange Float?
305 yearlyG2ReviewCountPercent Float?
306 computed_tags String[]
307 cardTransaction Json[]
308 cardRevenue Json[]
309 cardTransactionsStability Json[]
310 cardRevenueGrowth Json[]
311 cardCustomers Json[]
312 stockPriceHistorical Json?
313 significantDevelopments Json?
314 historicalFinancials Json?
315 g2StarsHistorical Json?
316 g2ReviewCountHistorical Json?
317 theorgFollowerCount Int?
318 ownedPatents Json?
319 governmentAwards Json?
320 computed_percentChangeInDepartmentHeadcount Json?
321 computed_departmentHeadcounts Json?
322 computed_departmentHeadcountsHistorical Json?
323 computed_departmentCountryHeadcounts Json?
324 computed_departmentCountryHeadcountsHistorical Json?
325 computed_departmentCountryHeadcountsAbsolute Json?
326 computed_departmentPercentChangeCountryHeadcounts Json?
327 computed_funding Json?
328 investedIndustryList String[]
329 investedRoundList String[]
330 maxInvestment Float?
331 minInvestment Float?
332 targetInvestment Float?
333 investorType String?
334 computed_investmentCount Int?
335 computed_exitedInvestmentCount Int?
336 computed_IPOedInvestmentCount Int?
337 computed_acquiredInvestmentCount Int?
338 computed_shutdownAndExitedInvestmentCount Int?
339 computed_shutdownInvestmentCount Int?
340 computed_operatingInvestmentCount Int?
341 computed_founded DateTime?
342 acquiredBy CompanyAcquisitionLink? @relation("acquiree")
343 acquisitionList CompanyAcquisitionLink[] @relation("acquirer")
344 companyFoundingLinks CompanyFoundingLink[]
345 inboundInvestmentList CompanyInvestmentLink[] @relation("companyInvestmentLinkTargets")
346 outboundInvestmentList CompanyInvestmentLink[] @relation("companyInvestmentLinkInvestors")
347 fundingRoundList FundingRound[]
348 workExperienceLinks WorkExperienceLink[]
349 participatedLeadInvestorFundingRoundList FundingRound[] @relation("leadCompanyInvestor")
350 participatedInvestorFundingRoundList FundingRound[] @relation("companyInvestor")
351 participatedInvestorCompanyFundList CompanyFund[] @relation("CompanyToCompanyFund")
352 fundList CompanyFund[] @relation("fundOwner")
355model CompanyAcquisitionLink {
356 id Int @id
357 announcedOn DateTime?
358 acquirerName String?
359 acquireeName String?
360 price Float?
361 acquireeCompanyID String? @unique
362 acquirerCompanyID String?
363 acquireeCompany Company? @relation("acquiree", fields: [acquireeCompanyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
364 acquirerCompany Company? @relation("acquirer", fields: [acquirerCompanyID], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
367enum EntityType {
368 person
369 company
370 school
371 organization
375enum CustomerType {
376 B2B
377 B2C
378 B2G


To find all people who are currently employed at Google, first make a DSL nameQuery or call the enrich to find the aviato ID for google. Then, make the following DSL

2 "offset": 0,
3 "limit": 100,
4 "filters": [
5 {
6 "AND": [
7 {
8 "experienceList.company.id": {
9 "operation": "eq",
10 "value": "H3TGFhoSrYx454dgVH6xL5EqXuW9dkb" // The ID for google
11 }
12 },
13 {
14 "experienceList.endDate": {
15 "operation": "eq",
16 "value": null
17 }
18 }
19 ]
20 }
21 ],
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